/******************************************************************************* * Copyright (c) 2005, 2006 IBM Corporation and others. * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at * http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html * * Contributors: * IBM Corporation - initial API and implementation *******************************************************************************/ package org.eclipse.ui.tests.operations; import junit.framework.TestCase; import org.eclipse.core.commands.ExecutionException; import org.eclipse.core.commands.operations.AbstractOperation; import org.eclipse.core.commands.operations.DefaultOperationHistory; import org.eclipse.core.commands.operations.ICompositeOperation; import org.eclipse.core.commands.operations.IOperationApprover2; import org.eclipse.core.commands.operations.IOperationHistoryListener; import org.eclipse.core.commands.operations.IUndoContext; import org.eclipse.core.commands.operations.IUndoableOperation; import org.eclipse.core.commands.operations.IOperationApprover; import org.eclipse.core.commands.operations.IOperationHistory; import org.eclipse.core.commands.operations.LinearUndoEnforcer; import org.eclipse.core.commands.operations.ObjectUndoContext; import org.eclipse.core.commands.operations.OperationHistoryEvent; import org.eclipse.core.commands.operations.OperationHistoryFactory; import org.eclipse.core.commands.operations.OperationStatus; import org.eclipse.core.commands.operations.TriggeredOperations; import org.eclipse.core.runtime.IAdaptable; import org.eclipse.core.runtime.IProgressMonitor; import org.eclipse.core.runtime.IStatus; import org.eclipse.core.runtime.Status; import org.eclipse.ui.tests.internal.ForcedException; /** * Tests the Operations Framework API. * * @since 3.1 */ public class OperationsAPITest extends TestCase { // number of operations to perform a stress test static int STRESS_NUM = 5000; ObjectUndoContext contextA, contextB, contextC, contextW; IOperationHistory history; IUndoableOperation op1, op2, op3, op4, op5, op6, localA, localB, localC; ICompositeOperation refactor; int preExec, postExec, preUndo, postUndo, preRedo, postRedo, add, remove, notOK, changed = 0; IOperationHistoryListener listener; public OperationsAPITest() { super(); } /** * @param testName */ public OperationsAPITest(String name) { super(name); } protected void setUp() throws Exception { history = new DefaultOperationHistory(); contextA = new ObjectUndoContext("A"); contextB = new ObjectUndoContext("B"); contextC = new ObjectUndoContext("C"); op1 = new TestOperation("op1"); op1.addContext(contextA); op2 = new TestOperation("op2"); op2.addContext(contextB); op2.addContext(contextC); op3 = new TestOperation("op3"); op3.addContext(contextC); op4 = new TestOperation("op4"); op4.addContext(contextA); op5 = new TestOperation("op5"); op5.addContext(contextB); op6 = new TestOperation("op6"); op6.addContext(contextC); op6.addContext(contextA); history.execute(op1, null, null); history.execute(op2, null, null); history.execute(op3, null, null); history.execute(op4, null, null); history.execute(op5, null, null); history.execute(op6, null, null); preExec = 0; postExec = 0; preUndo = 0; postUndo = 0; preRedo = 0; postRedo = 0; add = 0; remove = 0; notOK = 0; listener = new IOperationHistoryListener() { public void historyNotification(OperationHistoryEvent event) { switch (event.getEventType()) { case OperationHistoryEvent.ABOUT_TO_EXECUTE: preExec++; break; case OperationHistoryEvent.ABOUT_TO_UNDO: preUndo++; break; case OperationHistoryEvent.ABOUT_TO_REDO: preRedo++; break; case OperationHistoryEvent.DONE: postExec++; break; case OperationHistoryEvent.UNDONE: postUndo++; break; case OperationHistoryEvent.REDONE: postRedo++; break; case OperationHistoryEvent.OPERATION_ADDED: add++; break; case OperationHistoryEvent.OPERATION_REMOVED: remove++; break; case OperationHistoryEvent.OPERATION_NOT_OK: notOK++; break; case OperationHistoryEvent.OPERATION_CHANGED: changed++; break; } } }; history.addOperationHistoryListener(listener); } protected void tearDown() throws Exception { super.tearDown(); history.removeOperationHistoryListener(listener); history.dispose(IOperationHistory.GLOBAL_UNDO_CONTEXT, true, true, false); } public void testContextDispose() throws ExecutionException { assertSame(history.getUndoOperation(contextA), op6); assertSame(history.getUndoOperation(contextC), op6); history.dispose(contextA, true, true, false); assertSame(history.getUndoOperation(contextC), op6); assertFalse(op6.hasContext(contextA)); history.undo(contextC, null, null); history.dispose(contextC, true, false, false); assertFalse(history.canUndo(contextC)); assertTrue(history.canRedo(contextC)); history.redo(contextC, null, null); IUndoableOperation[] ops = history.getUndoHistory(IOperationHistory.GLOBAL_UNDO_CONTEXT); assertEquals(ops.length, 3); ops = history.getUndoHistory(contextC); assertEquals(ops.length, 1); ops = history.getUndoHistory(contextB); assertEquals(ops.length, 2); } public void testContextHistories() throws ExecutionException { assertSame(history.getUndoOperation(contextA), op6); assertSame(history.getUndoOperation(contextB), op5); assertSame(history.getUndoOperation(contextC), op6); IStatus status = history.undo(contextC, null, null); assertTrue("Status should be ok", status.isOK()); assertSame(history.getRedoOperation(contextC), op6); assertSame(history.getUndoOperation(contextC), op3); assertTrue("Should be able to redo in c3", history.canRedo(contextC)); assertTrue("Should be able to redo in c1", history.canRedo(contextA)); history.redo(contextA, null, null); assertSame(history.getUndoOperation(contextC), op6); assertSame(history.getUndoOperation(contextA), op6); } public void testHistoryLimit() throws ExecutionException { history.setLimit(contextA, 2); assertTrue(history.getUndoHistory(contextA).length == 2); history.add(op1); assertTrue(history.getUndoHistory(contextA).length == 2); history.setLimit(contextB, 1); assertTrue(history.getUndoHistory(contextB).length == 1); assertFalse(op2.hasContext(contextB)); history.undo(contextB, null, null); assertTrue(history.getRedoHistory(contextB).length == 1); assertTrue(history.getUndoHistory(contextB).length == 0); history.redo(contextB, null, null); assertTrue(history.getRedoHistory(contextB).length == 0); assertTrue(history.getUndoHistory(contextB).length == 1); } public void testLocalHistoryLimits() throws ExecutionException { history.setLimit(contextC, 2); assertTrue(history.getUndoHistory(contextC).length == 2); // op2 should have context c3 removed as part of forcing the limit assertFalse(op2.hasContext(contextC)); assertTrue(history.getUndoHistory(contextB).length == 2); history.setLimit(contextB, 1); assertTrue(history.getUndoHistory(contextB).length == 1); history.undo(contextB, null, null); op2.addContext(contextC); history.add(op2); assertSame(history.getUndoOperation(contextB), op2); assertTrue(history.getUndoHistory(contextB).length == 1); history.setLimit(contextA, 0); assertTrue(history.getUndoHistory(contextA).length == 0); history.add(op1); assertTrue(history.getUndoHistory(contextA).length == 0); } public void testOpenOperation() throws ExecutionException { // clear out history which will also reset operation execution counts history.dispose(IOperationHistory.GLOBAL_UNDO_CONTEXT, true, true, false); ICompositeOperation batch = new TriggeredOperations(op1, history); history.openOperation(batch, IOperationHistory.EXECUTE); op1.execute(null, null); op2.execute(null, null); history.add(op2); history.execute(op3, null, null); IUndoableOperation op = history.getUndoOperation(IOperationHistory.GLOBAL_UNDO_CONTEXT); assertTrue("no operations should be in history yet", op == null); history.closeOperation(true, true, IOperationHistory.EXECUTE); op = history.getUndoOperation(IOperationHistory.GLOBAL_UNDO_CONTEXT); assertTrue("Operation should be batching", op == batch); op.removeContext(contextB); assertFalse("Operation should not have context", op.hasContext(contextB)); } public void testExceptionDuringOpenOperation() throws ExecutionException { // clear out history which will also reset operation execution counts history.dispose(IOperationHistory.GLOBAL_UNDO_CONTEXT, true, true, false); IUndoableOperation op = new AbstractOperation("Operation with Exception") { public IStatus execute(IProgressMonitor monitor, IAdaptable uiInfo) { return Status.OK_STATUS; } public IStatus undo(IProgressMonitor monitor, IAdaptable uiInfo) { throw new ForcedException("Forced during undo"); } public IStatus redo(IProgressMonitor monitor, IAdaptable uiInfo) { throw new ForcedException("Forced during redo"); } }; ICompositeOperation batch = new TriggeredOperations(op, history); history.openOperation(batch, IOperationHistory.EXECUTE); op.execute(null, null); op1.execute(null, null); history.add(op1); history.execute(op2, null, null); history.closeOperation(true, true, IOperationHistory.EXECUTE); // when we undo the batch operation, the triggering op will throw the // ForcedException. This is expected. try { batch.undo(null, null); } catch (ForcedException e) { // expected, no cause for panic. } // See bug #134238. Before this bug was fixed, we would get an // IllegalStateException upon trying to open a composite. If cleanup // after the above exception is done, then we shouldn't get an // IllegalStateException. try { history.openOperation(new TriggeredOperations(op3, history), IOperationHistory.EXECUTE); history.closeOperation(true, true, IOperationHistory.EXECUTE); } catch (IllegalStateException e) { assertTrue("IllegalStateException - trying to open an operation before a close", false); } } public void test94459() throws ExecutionException { // clear out history which will also reset operation execution counts history.dispose(IOperationHistory.GLOBAL_UNDO_CONTEXT, true, true, false); op2.execute(null, null); ICompositeOperation batch = new TriggeredOperations(op2, history); history.openOperation(batch, IOperationHistory.EXECUTE); history.setLimit(contextA, 0); op1.execute(null, null); history.add(op1); history.closeOperation(true, true, IOperationHistory.EXECUTE); IUndoableOperation op = history.getUndoOperation(IOperationHistory.GLOBAL_UNDO_CONTEXT); assertTrue("Operation should be batching", op == batch); assertFalse("Operation should not have context", op.hasContext(contextA)); } public void test94459AllContextsEmpty() throws ExecutionException { // clear out history which will also reset operation execution counts history.dispose(IOperationHistory.GLOBAL_UNDO_CONTEXT, true, true, false); op2.execute(null, null); ICompositeOperation batch = new TriggeredOperations(op2, history); history.openOperation(batch, IOperationHistory.EXECUTE); history.setLimit(contextA, 0); history.setLimit(contextB, 0); history.setLimit(contextC, 0); op1.execute(null, null); history.add(op1); history.closeOperation(true, true, IOperationHistory.EXECUTE); IUndoableOperation op = history.getUndoOperation(IOperationHistory.GLOBAL_UNDO_CONTEXT); assertTrue("Operation should not have been added", op == null); } /* * Test updated for 3.2 in light of * https://bugs.eclipse.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=123316 * The expected behavior has changed. */ public void test94400() throws ExecutionException { UnredoableTestOperation op = new UnredoableTestOperation("troubled op"); op.addContext(contextA); history.execute(op, null, null); assertTrue("Operation should be undoable", history.canUndo(contextA)); history.undo(contextA, null, null); assertTrue("Operation should still be in redo history", history.getRedoOperation(contextA) == op); assertFalse("Operation should not be disposed", op.disposed); } /* * Similar to the test above, except that we are going to change the * operation history limit and check that we disposed the operation properly. */ public void test123316() throws ExecutionException { UnredoableTestOperation op = new UnredoableTestOperation("troubled op"); op.addContext(contextA); history.setLimit(contextA, 0); history.execute(op, null, null); assertFalse("Should be nothing to undo", history.canUndo(contextA)); assertTrue("Operation should be disposed", op.disposed); } public void testUnsuccessfulOpenOperation() throws ExecutionException { // clear out history which will also reset operation execution counts history.dispose(IOperationHistory.GLOBAL_UNDO_CONTEXT, true, true, false); ICompositeOperation batch = new TriggeredOperations(op1, history); history.openOperation(batch, IOperationHistory.EXECUTE); op1.execute(null, null); op2.execute(null, null); history.add(op2); history.execute(op3, null, null); IUndoableOperation op = history.getUndoOperation(IOperationHistory.GLOBAL_UNDO_CONTEXT); assertTrue("no operations should be in history yet", op == null); history.closeOperation(false, true, IOperationHistory.EXECUTE); op = history.getUndoOperation(IOperationHistory.GLOBAL_UNDO_CONTEXT); assertNull("Unsuccessful operation should not be added to history", op); assertTrue("NOT_OK notification should have been received", notOK == 1); assertTrue("DONE should not be sent while batching", postExec == 0); assertTrue("ADDED should not have been sent while batching", add == 0); } public void testNotAddedOpenOperation() throws ExecutionException { // clear out history which will also reset operation execution counts history.dispose(IOperationHistory.GLOBAL_UNDO_CONTEXT, true, true, false); ICompositeOperation batch = new TriggeredOperations(op1, history); history.openOperation(batch, IOperationHistory.EXECUTE); op1.execute(null, null); op2.execute(null, null); history.add(op2); history.execute(op3, null, null); IUndoableOperation op = history.getUndoOperation(IOperationHistory.GLOBAL_UNDO_CONTEXT); assertTrue("no operations should be in history yet", op == null); history.closeOperation(true, false, IOperationHistory.EXECUTE); op = history.getUndoOperation(IOperationHistory.GLOBAL_UNDO_CONTEXT); assertNull("Operation should not be added to history", op); assertTrue("DONE notification should have been received", postExec == 1); assertTrue("ADDED should not have occurred or be sent while batching", add == 0); } public void testMultipleOpenOperation() throws ExecutionException { // clear out history which will also reset operation execution counts boolean failure = false; history.dispose(IOperationHistory.GLOBAL_UNDO_CONTEXT, true, true, false); ICompositeOperation comp1 = new TriggeredOperations(op1, history); history.openOperation(comp1, IOperationHistory.EXECUTE); op1.execute(null, null); op2.execute(null, null); history.add(op2); history.execute(op3, null, null); ICompositeOperation comp2 = new TriggeredOperations(op4, history); try { history.openOperation(comp2, IOperationHistory.EXECUTE); } catch (IllegalStateException e) { failure = true; } assertTrue("Exception should have been thrown for second open operation", failure); IUndoableOperation op = history.getUndoOperation(IOperationHistory.GLOBAL_UNDO_CONTEXT); assertNull("Unexpected nested open should not add original", op); history.closeOperation(true, true, IOperationHistory.EXECUTE); op = history.getUndoOperation(IOperationHistory.GLOBAL_UNDO_CONTEXT); assertSame("First operation should be closed", op, comp1); } public void testAbortedOpenOperation() throws ExecutionException { history.dispose(IOperationHistory.GLOBAL_UNDO_CONTEXT, true, true, false); history.openOperation(new TriggeredOperations(op1, history), IOperationHistory.EXECUTE); op1.execute(null, null); history.execute(op2, null, null); // flush history while operation is open history.dispose(IOperationHistory.GLOBAL_UNDO_CONTEXT, true, true, false); // op3 should be added as its own op since we flushed while open history.add(op3); // should really have no effect history.closeOperation(true, true, IOperationHistory.EXECUTE); IUndoableOperation op = history.getUndoOperation(IOperationHistory.GLOBAL_UNDO_CONTEXT); assertTrue("Open operation should be flushed", op == op3); } public void testOperationApproval() throws ExecutionException { history.addOperationApprover(new LinearUndoEnforcer()); // the first undo should be fine IStatus status = history.undo(contextB, null, null); assertTrue(status.isOK()); // the second causes a linear violation on C assertTrue(history.canUndo(contextB)); status = history.undo(contextB, null, null); assertFalse(status.isOK()); // undo the newer C items status = history.undo(contextC, null, null); assertTrue(status.isOK()); status = history.undo(contextC, null, null); assertTrue(status.isOK()); // now we should be okay in B status = history.undo(contextB, null, null); assertTrue(status.isOK()); history.addOperationApprover(new IOperationApprover() { public IStatus proceedRedoing(IUndoableOperation o, IOperationHistory h, IAdaptable a) { return Status.CANCEL_STATUS; } public IStatus proceedUndoing(IUndoableOperation o, IOperationHistory h, IAdaptable a) { return Status.CANCEL_STATUS; } }); // everything should fail now assertFalse(history.redo(contextB, null, null).isOK()); assertFalse(history.redo(contextC, null, null).isOK()); assertFalse(history.undo(contextA, null, null).isOK()); assertFalse(history.undo(contextB, null, null).isOK()); assertFalse(history.undo(contextC, null, null).isOK()); } public void testOperationFailure() throws ExecutionException { history.addOperationApprover(new IOperationApprover() { public IStatus proceedRedoing(IUndoableOperation o, IOperationHistory h, IAdaptable a) { return Status.OK_STATUS; } public IStatus proceedUndoing(IUndoableOperation o, IOperationHistory h, IAdaptable a) { if (o == op6) return Status.CANCEL_STATUS; if (o == op5) return new OperationStatus(IStatus.ERROR, "org.eclipse.ui.tests", 0, "Error", null); return Status.OK_STATUS; } }); // should fail but still keep op6 on the stack since it's cancelled IStatus status = history.undo(contextC, null, null); assertFalse(status.isOK()); assertSame(history.getUndoOperation(contextC), op6); // should fail since it's an error status = history.undo(contextB, null, null); assertFalse(status.isOK()); // operation remains on stack (see bug#92506) assertSame(history.getUndoOperation(contextB), op5); } public void testOperationRedo() throws ExecutionException { history.undo(contextB, null, null); history.undo(contextB, null, null); history.undo(contextC, null, null); history.undo(contextC, null, null); assertSame(history.getRedoOperation(contextB), op2); assertSame(history.getUndoOperation(contextA), op4); assertTrue(history.canUndo(contextA)); assertFalse(history.canUndo(contextB)); assertFalse(history.canUndo(contextC)); assertTrue(preUndo == 4); assertTrue(postUndo == 4); history.redo(contextB, null, null); assertTrue(postRedo == 1); assertTrue(history.canUndo(contextB)); assertTrue(history.canUndo(contextC)); } public void testOperationUndo() throws ExecutionException { history.undo(contextA, null, null); history.undo(contextA, null, null); assertSame(history.getRedoOperation(contextA), op4); assertSame(history.getUndoOperation(contextA), op1); history.undo(contextA, null, null); assertTrue(preUndo == 3); assertTrue(postUndo == 3); assertFalse("Shouldn't be able to undo in c1", history.canUndo(contextA)); assertTrue("Should be able to undo in c2", history.canUndo(contextB)); assertTrue("Should be able to undo in c3", history.canUndo(contextC)); } public void testHistoryFactory() { IOperationHistory anotherHistory = OperationHistoryFactory.getOperationHistory(); assertNotNull(anotherHistory); } public void testOperationChanged() { history.operationChanged(op1); history.operationChanged(op2); history.operationChanged(new TestOperation("New op")); assertTrue("should not notify about changes if not in the history", changed == 2); } // the setup for the infamous (local conflict on top of composite and composite gets pruned) case private void setup87675() throws ExecutionException { // clear everything out. special setup for this test case history.dispose(IOperationHistory.GLOBAL_UNDO_CONTEXT, true, true, false); contextA = new ObjectUndoContext("A"); contextB = new ObjectUndoContext("B"); contextC = new ObjectUndoContext("C"); contextW = new ObjectUndoContext("W"); history.addOperationApprover(new LinearUndoEnforcer()); // local edits on A, B, C are added first IUndoableOperation op = new TestOperation("op1a"); op.addContext(contextA); history.execute(op, null, null); op = new TestOperation("op1b"); op.addContext(contextB); history.execute(op, null, null); op = new TestOperation("op1c"); op.addContext(contextC); history.execute(op, null, null); // now we create the "refactoring op" which touches them all op = new TestOperation("Refactoring"); op.addContext(contextW); op.execute(null, null); refactor = new TriggeredOperations(op, history); history.openOperation(refactor, IOperationHistory.EXECUTE); localA = new TestOperation("op2a"); localA.addContext(contextA); history.execute(localA, null, null); localB = new TestOperation("op2b"); localB.addContext(contextB); history.execute(localB, null, null); localC = new TestOperation("op2c"); localC.addContext(contextC); history.execute(localC, null, null); // close off the composite history.closeOperation(true, true, IOperationHistory.EXECUTE); // subsequent local edit to C op = new TestOperation("op3c"); op.addContext(contextC); history.execute(op, null, null); } public void test87675_split() throws ExecutionException { setup87675(); IUndoableOperation op; // check setup op = history.getUndoOperation(contextA); assertTrue("Refactoring should be next op for context A", op == refactor); op = history.getUndoOperation(contextB); assertTrue("Refactoring should be next op for context B", op == refactor); op = history.getUndoOperation(contextW); assertTrue("Refactoring should be next op for context W", op == refactor); op = history.getUndoOperation(contextC); assertFalse("Refactoring should not be next op for context C", op == refactor); // try a bogus undo IStatus status = history.undo(contextW, null, null); assertFalse("Undo should not be permitted due to linear conflict", status.isOK()); // prune the history for contextW history.dispose(contextW, true, true, false); // refactoring op should have been broken up into pieces op = history.getUndoOperation(contextA); assertTrue("Local edit A should be atomic", op == localA); op = history.getUndoOperation(contextB); assertTrue("Local edit B should be atomic", op == localB); op = history.getUndoOperation(contextC); assertFalse("Local edit C should not be refactoring edit", op == localC); // now the refactoring C edit should be the next one history.undo(contextC, null, null); op = history.getUndoOperation(contextC); assertTrue("Local edit C should be refactoring edit", op == localC); } public void test87675_undoredo() throws ExecutionException { setup87675(); IUndoableOperation op; // undo the local edit to C history.undo(contextC, null, null); // undo the refactoring operation via context C history.undo(contextC, null, null); // check that there are no new operations in the undo list for A, B, C op = history.getUndoOperation(contextC); assertTrue("Local edit C should be original edit", op.getLabel().equals("op1c")); op = history.getUndoOperation(contextB); assertTrue("Local edit B should be original edit", op.getLabel().equals("op1b")); op = history.getUndoOperation(contextA); assertTrue("Local edit A should be original edit", op.getLabel().equals("op1a")); // test that the redo operation has all contexts op = history.getRedoOperation(contextW); assertTrue("operation should have context A", op.hasContext(contextA)); assertTrue("operation should have context B", op.hasContext(contextB)); assertTrue("operation should have context C", op.hasContext(contextC)); // now redo the operation history.redo(contextA, null, null); // test that the next undo is our refactoring operation op = history.getUndoOperation(IOperationHistory.GLOBAL_UNDO_CONTEXT); assertTrue("operation should have context W", op.hasContext(contextW)); // undo again and check that no side effect ops were left on the undo stack history.undo(contextW, null, null); op = history.getUndoOperation(contextC); assertTrue("Local edit C should be original edit", op.getLabel().equals("op1c")); op = history.getUndoOperation(contextB); assertTrue("Local edit B should be original edit", op.getLabel().equals("op1b")); op = history.getUndoOperation(contextA); assertTrue("Local edit A should be original edit", op.getLabel().equals("op1a")); } public void testOperationApprover2() throws ExecutionException { // clear out the history history.dispose(IOperationHistory.GLOBAL_UNDO_CONTEXT, true, true, false); history.addOperationApprover(new IOperationApprover2() { public IStatus proceedRedoing(IUndoableOperation o, IOperationHistory h, IAdaptable a) { return Status.OK_STATUS; } public IStatus proceedExecuting(IUndoableOperation o, IOperationHistory h, IAdaptable a) { if (o == op6) return Status.CANCEL_STATUS; return Status.OK_STATUS; } public IStatus proceedUndoing(IUndoableOperation o, IOperationHistory h, IAdaptable a) { return Status.OK_STATUS; } }); IStatus status = history.execute(op1, null, null); assertTrue(status.isOK()); assertTrue(preExec == 1 && postExec == 1); status = history.execute(op6, null, null); assertFalse(status.isOK()); // listener counts should not have changed assertTrue(preExec == 1 && postExec == 1); } public void testReplaceContext() throws ExecutionException { // clear out history which will also reset operation execution counts history.dispose(IOperationHistory.GLOBAL_UNDO_CONTEXT, true, true, false); TriggeredOperations batch = new TriggeredOperations(op1, history); history.openOperation(batch, IOperationHistory.EXECUTE); op1.execute(null, null); op2.execute(null, null); history.add(op2); history.execute(op3, null, null); IUndoableOperation op = history.getUndoOperation(IOperationHistory.GLOBAL_UNDO_CONTEXT); assertTrue("no operations should be in history yet", op == null); history.closeOperation(true, true, IOperationHistory.EXECUTE); op = history.getUndoOperation(IOperationHistory.GLOBAL_UNDO_CONTEXT); assertTrue("Operation should be batching", op == batch); IUndoContext contextD = new ObjectUndoContext("D"); batch.replaceContext(contextC, contextD); assertFalse("Operation should not have context", batch.hasContext(contextC)); assertFalse("Operation should not have context", op1.hasContext(contextC)); assertFalse("Operation should not have context", op2.hasContext(contextC)); assertFalse("Operation should not have context", op3.hasContext(contextC)); batch.replaceContext(contextD, contextC); assertTrue("Operation should have context", batch.hasContext(contextC)); assertFalse("Operation should not have context", op1.hasContext(contextC)); assertTrue("Operation should have context", op2.hasContext(contextC)); assertTrue("Operation should have context", op3.hasContext(contextC)); } // See https://bugs.eclipse.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=128117 // Test that context is removed from a triggered operations. public void test128117simple() throws ExecutionException { // clear out history which will also reset operation execution counts history.dispose(IOperationHistory.GLOBAL_UNDO_CONTEXT, true, true, false); ICompositeOperation batch = new TriggeredOperations(op1, history); IUndoContext context = new ObjectUndoContext("test"); batch.addContext(context); assertTrue("Operation should have newly added context", batch.hasContext(context)); history.openOperation(batch, IOperationHistory.EXECUTE); op1.execute(null, null); op2.execute(null, null); history.add(op2); history.execute(op3, null, null); history.closeOperation(true, true, IOperationHistory.EXECUTE); IUndoableOperation op = history.getUndoOperation(IOperationHistory.GLOBAL_UNDO_CONTEXT); assertTrue("Operation should be the composite", op == batch); assertTrue("Operation should have top level context", op.hasContext(context)); op.removeContext(context); assertFalse("Operation should have removed top level context", op.hasContext(context)); } // See https://bugs.eclipse.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=128117 // Test that context is removed from a triggered operations after recompute of contexts. public void test128117complex() throws ExecutionException { // clear out history which will also reset operation execution counts history.dispose(IOperationHistory.GLOBAL_UNDO_CONTEXT, true, true, false); ICompositeOperation batch = new TriggeredOperations(op1, history); IUndoContext context = new ObjectUndoContext("test"); batch.addContext(context); assertTrue("Operation should have top level context", batch.hasContext(context)); history.openOperation(batch, IOperationHistory.EXECUTE); op1.execute(null, null); op2.execute(null, null); history.add(op2); history.execute(op3, null, null); history.closeOperation(true, true, IOperationHistory.EXECUTE); IUndoableOperation op = history.getUndoOperation(IOperationHistory.GLOBAL_UNDO_CONTEXT); assertTrue("Operation should be the composite", op == batch); op.removeContext(contextB); assertFalse("Operation should have removed child context", op.hasContext(contextB)); assertTrue("Operation should have top level context", op.hasContext(context)); op.removeContext(context); assertFalse("Operation should have removed top level context", op.hasContext(context)); } public void testStressTestAPI() throws ExecutionException { history.setLimit(contextA, STRESS_NUM); for (int i=0; i < STRESS_NUM; i++) { IUndoableOperation op = new TestOperation("test"); op.addContext(contextA); if (i%3 == 0) { op.addContext(contextB); } history.execute(op, null, null); } for (int i=0; i < STRESS_NUM; i++) { if (i%2 == 0) { history.undo(contextA, null, null); } if (i%5 == 0) { history.redo(contextA, null, null); } } } public void test159305() throws ExecutionException { final int [] approvalCount = new int[1]; IOperationApprover approver; approver = new IOperationApprover() { public IStatus proceedUndoing(IUndoableOperation op, IOperationHistory history, IAdaptable uiInfo) { approvalCount[0]++; return Status.OK_STATUS; } public IStatus proceedRedoing(IUndoableOperation op, IOperationHistory history, IAdaptable uiInfo) { approvalCount[0]--; return Status.OK_STATUS; } }; history.addOperationApprover(approver); history.undo(contextB, null, null); // approval should have only run once for linear undo assertTrue("Operation approver should run only once for linear undo", approvalCount[0] == 1); history.redo(contextB, null, null); assertTrue("Operation approver should run only once for linear redo", approvalCount[0] == 0); // approval should have only run once for direct undo history.undoOperation(op5, null, null); assertTrue("Operation approver should run only once for direct undo", approvalCount[0]== 1); history.redoOperation(op5, null, null); assertTrue("Operation approver should run only once for direct redo", approvalCount[0]== 0); // cleanup history.removeOperationApprover(approver); } }